Perfect language skills are not enough for the translation of financial and accounting documents. Over the years we learned that it does not even account for 50% of the success, but far less. Professional financial translation requires in-depth knowledge of the regulations of different countries, clear understanding of all the nuances of accounting, and the utmost attention to the finest of details.

At the same time, the demand for this type of translation is always on the rise. Virtually every company, regardless of the business type and scale, requires professional translation services once it reaches foreign partnerships and clients. Even though modern international payment services make the processes easy, it’s still far from a complete solution:

  • Custom documents
  • Medical services
  • Inheritance issues
  • Unique agreements
  • Real estate transactions

Virtually every non-routine financial operation still implies professional help. Otherwise, a minor inaccuracy can undermine the business processes and delay, or even compromise the company’s actions and reputation.




Annual report translation

EPI Business Translation experts have years of experience in financial and accounting translations, not only for business operations. We understand the importance of financial documentation that is released to the public. 

  • Annual financial reports
  • Audit reports
  • Profit-and-loss statements
  • Cashflow reports
  • Aggregate income and capital movements
  • Due diligence reports

To carefully translate each sentence and statement, while maintaining the original look of graphs, diagrams and tables, our experts work with extra care and accuracy. The best possible result is guaranteed by a 3-step quality control: every financial and accounting translation passes scrupulous checks by the digital layout expert and the executive editor. This way we’re 100% sure that your business will get the document in its most accurate and precisely translated form. 

Professional financial texts translation

Financial texts must be translated taking into account the specifics of executing them in any given country. Our company’s specialists are not only fluent in the foreign language, but are also fully on top of all the relevant state’s requirements on financial and legal documentation. They focus particularly on checking the factual accuracy of the final materials. In financial documents, it is critical to observe the correct format in which the figures are set out and avoid any distortion of important statistics.

EPI Business Translation specialists are not just skilled and certified, but also know all the pitfalls of the process. Each member of our team that works with financial and accounting documents has comprehensive knowledge of the country-specific requirements and rules for financial documentation. Extra attention is dedicated to accuracy of the factual information within the documents. This way, we make sure that the final result is translated with no mistakes or distortions, as precisely and carefully as it is possible. 

EPI Business Translation

With more than two decades in the language services field, you can trust our team with any of your translation needs.

Our company was established in 2009 by a group of highly sought-after professional translators with impeccable reputations. The founders' portfolios at that time included translations for the biggest foreign law firms, international companies various sectors like banking, construction, manufacturing, financial consultants and foreign government delegations. The company was born in response to a constantly growing demand for professional translations of exemplary quality. Today, the founders of EPI Business Translation still manage the company and participate directly in its projects. So, when our clients have truly challenging projects that require the highest standards of work, we are their go-to translation company.

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+1 (647) 793 9396

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    We would be pleased to offer you financial and accounting translation services.


    EPI Business Translation

    We break language barriers between businesses! 

    1707 - 28 Harrison Garden Blvd, Toronto, ON, M2N7B5



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