Interpreting is an integral part of any international business interaction. Be it global-scale events, PR- or IR-campaigns, a meaningful, mutually clear dialogue is essential. A professional interpreter plays the key role in organising such communication, ensuring the successful exchange of ideas and breaking the language barrier between experts, partners, or businesses and clients. 

A whole variety of international business processes is supposed to involve an interpreter to ensure smooth and efficient communication:

  • Congresses
  • Business meetings
  • Forums and conferences
  • Seminars and training sessions 

Even smaller informal events that play a major role in establishing international connections are impossible without an expert interpreter:

  • Excursions
  • Receptions
  • Walks around cities and sites
  • Delegation and individual informal events

We at EPI Business Translation know how multidimensional a job of an interpreter is. From forums with hundreds of people in the audience to direct meetings, involving just two international partners. Throughout the years we learned how to adjust the approach to benefit the circumstances rather than be an obstacle. Our experts focus on high-quality, continuous communication with auditorium and rapid, yet precise and undistorted interpreting at personal meetings.



It’s crucial to understand the difference between the consecutive and simultaneous interpreting so as to request the right services. With the first option, the translation is inserted in the pauses the speaker is supposed to make. The latter means that the audience receives information in their own language with virtually no delay. 

EPI Business Translation experts are trained and skilled enough to maintain the undisturbed simultaneous interpretation, but a set of specialised equipment, like pre-programmed microphones and headphones, do not play the last role in the process. A soundproof booth is another important asset that raises the quality of the result drastically. It’s a demanding, physically exhausting process, and even though our experts are capable of working alone for several hours non-stop, it’s recommended to hire two professional interpreters for large-scale events. Working in pairs and taking turns every 20 minutes makes it more comfortable for the professionals, and more effective for the whole event in general. 

Simultaneous interpreting is the preferred approach for large-scale events that involve participants who speak a variety of languages. It’s a perfect way of interpreting that will keep the communication uninterrupted, will ensure virtually no time loss, and will keep the audience focused during the whole event. For smaller events and conferences with a single language pair, both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting will suffice. 

EPI Business Translation

With more than two decades in the language services field, you can trust our team with any of your translation needs.

Our company was established in 2009 by a group of highly sought-after professional translators with impeccable reputations. The founders' portfolios at that time included translations for the biggest foreign law firms, international companies various sectors like banking, construction, manufacturing, financial consultants and foreign government delegations. The company was born in response to a constantly growing demand for professional translations of exemplary quality. Today, the founders of EPI Business Translation still manage the company and participate directly in its projects. So, when our clients have truly challenging projects that require the highest standards of work, we are their go-to translation company.

Our Clients

  1. IOM (International Organization for Migration) - EPI Business Translation helped IOM translate legal documentation. We also helped translate content that promoted the process of ethical recruitment and contributed to the protection of migrant workers.
  2. AstraZeneca - EPI Business Translation worked with AstraZeneca amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. We took part as translators and interpreters during clinical studies and vaccine trials. We translated all the medical paperwork and interpreted during manufacturing audits carried out by the head office management.
  3. Gasunie - EPI  Business Translation has worked in both the petrochemical and energy sectors for many years. Recently we helped Gasunie, a Netherlands energy network operator. We translated legal documents, attended a few meetings with the media, and translate multiple business meetings and contract negotiations.
  4. Thunderbird School of Global Management - EPI  Business Translation worked together with MBA schools to bring forward an accessible and modern Global Management course. All course materials were translated into multiple languages and have now been used by hundreds of students all over the world. 

We would be pleased to offer you interpreting services.

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+1 (647) 793 9396

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    EPI Business Translation

    We break language barriers between businesses! 

    1707 - 28 Harrison Garden Blvd, Toronto, ON, M2N7B5



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