A congress is a major event at which decisions of international significance are made. A diverse group of people at such events pursue different goals and often don’t speak the same language. In order to communicate effectively with one another, they must seek help from language professionals. Diplomats and government officials need to be able to express themselves and be able to understand others. Congress especially poses a serious challenge since it is extremely diverse and houses many different languages. There is a real need for professional interpreting services for each of the many official and unofficial languages spoken in congress. The importance of complete mutual understanding between the participants and their involvement in the discussions at such an event must not be overlooked, since a misunderstanding at this level can directly impact the world we live in and requires utmost attention.



Seamless and accurate congress interpreters

The role of an interpreter can be compared to that of the speaker. Their work is just as important as it requires them to have a full understanding of both the concepts and words that the speaker uses. It is vital that the essence and sense of the speaker’s words at such an event are translated as closely to the original as possible while conveying the ideas that the speaker wants to get across. 

It is essential that the information and important details are converted without any distortion as they will determine the success of congress meetings and negotiations, as well as the future of legislation and laws, all of which are in the hands of the interpreters. 

Individual approach in business translation

EPI Business Translation language experts prepare for each event separately. They conduct rigorous research and familiarise themselves with relevant topics of discussion, political and economic concepts, and proper terminology in order to make their understanding as clear as possible. Congress meetings often cover several spheres of activity, industries, or fields of scientific knowledge. These require preparation and study which our experts complete in order to ensure that we deliver the best interpretation services.

Professional interpretation for any large-scale congress

Events of such magnitude require a very specific set of skills. EPI Business Translation interpreters are well equipped to deal with events of any scale and have years of experience to speak for it. The audience listens more closely to interpreters than it does to the speakers since they speak the language which the audience can understand. It is essential not only to translate accurately but also to convey the speaker’s most subtle intonations, something that our language specialists achieve exceptionally well.

EPI Business Translation

With more than two decades in the language services field, you can trust our team with any of your translation needs.

Our company was established in 2009 by a group of highly sought-after professional translators with impeccable reputations. The founders' portfolios at that time included translations for the biggest foreign law firms, international companies various sectors like banking, construction, manufacturing, financial consultants and foreign government delegations. The company was born in response to a constantly growing demand for professional translations of exemplary quality. Today, the founders of EPI Business Translation still manage the company and participate directly in its projects. So, when our clients have truly challenging projects that require the highest standards of work, we are their go-to translation company.

We would be pleased to offer you interpreting services for congresses.

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    EPI Business Translation

    We break language barriers between businesses! 

    1707 - 28 Harrison Garden Blvd, Toronto, ON, M2N7B5



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