Efficient Tips to Streamline Translation Projects and Save Costs

Looking to optimize your translation projects while saving both time and money? As a leading translation agency and provider in Ontario, EPI Communication and Business Translation is here to help. With our expertise in legal translation, technical translation, and financial document translation, we ensure accuracy and efficiency in every project. Whether you need translation to…

Driving Global Growth: The Significance of Technical Translation Services for Businesses in Toronto

In the dynamic landscape of Canadian business, the role of technical translation services cannot be overstated. As businesses expand their global reach, the demand for precise and reliable translation of technical content has surged. Technical translation services play a pivotal role in enabling Ontario businesses to unlock international markets, foster collaboration with global partners, and…

The Vital Role of Professional Legal Translation for Canadian Businesses

For Canadian business operations, the significance of precise and legally valid documentation cannot be overstated. The accuracy and authenticity of legal documents are pivotal in maintaining compliance, facilitating transactions, and safeguarding the interests of all parties involved. Central to ensuring the integrity of these documents is the utilization of professional certified translation services, particularly in…

The ‘Canali’ and the First Martians

In the 1800s, observatories with larger and larger telescopes were built around the world. In 1877, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli (1835-1910), director of the Brera Observatory in Milan, began mapping and naming areas on Mars. He named the Martian “seas” and “continents” (dark and light areas) with names from historic and mythological sources. He saw channels…

Language, Culture, And Medical Tragedy: The Case Of Willie Ramirez

Editor’s Note: The November-December issue of Health Affairs contains essays by a physician and a medical interpreter on the challenges and perils of navigating language gaps between medical providers and patients in the absence of a trained medical interpreter. The essays appear in the journal’s “Narrative Matters” section, which is supported by the W.K. Kellogg…

The greatest mistranslations ever

Google Translate’s latest update – turning the app into a real-time interpreter – has been heralded as bringing us closer to ‘a world where language is no longer a barrier’. Despite glitches, it offers a glimpse of a future in which there are no linguistic misunderstandings – especially ones that change the course of history.…

A Short History of Martian Canals and Mars Fever

In 1877, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli was planning to observe Mars with a newly powerful refractor telescope installed in Brera, Milan. He prepared extensively, avoiding, he wrote, “everything which could affect the nervous system, from narcotics to alcohol, and especially from the abuse of coffee, which I found to be exceedingly prejudicial to the…